Reasons of Sleeping Naked Without You Knownig - MyRelationshipsGH



Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Reasons of Sleeping Naked Without You Knownig

Sleeping naked is not new to some people, but if you’re giving that a serious thought, here’s why you should take everything off before going to bed.

 Why sleeping naked is good for you

  •  Airing out your vajayjay makes it healthier and cleaner. The author of “The Sex Drive Solution for Women,” Jennifer Landa, MD, says that sleeping without panties on can promote a healthier environment for your vagina. A closed-off and excessively warm environment is the perfect setting for a yeast infection, so airing it out can prevent infection.
  • The cooler you are, the better you sleep. Wearing sleepwear and a ton of blankets can be bad for your sleep cycle. Your body temperature is supposed to drop in order for you to get into an optimum state of sleep, which means that blankets and clothes might increase your temperature and disrupt your sleep.
  •  You’ll wake up younger every day! Well, not exactly–but your aging process will significantly slow down. As we sleep, we release growth hormone (a natural anti-aging substance),and when sleep is disrupted due to excessive warmth, we produce less of it and end up aging faster.
  • Your stress levels will decrease. Sleeping without clothes on is more comfortable for our body, as described above. Because we’re sleeping soundly, our stress hormone, cortisol, also decreases.
  •  It’s a confidence booster. When we are naked, we are more aware of our body–and that’s a good thing. That’s why walking naked, alone, in the house doesn’t feel embarrassing at all. It feels sexy and empowering, which in turn boosts our confidence levels.
  •  Better relationships. Sleeping naked next to each other boosts your oxytocin levels. This is what scientists call the “love hormone.” When it’s at its highest levels, it promotes pair bonding, which is a scientific way of saying that you and your partner will like each other more.
  •  Awesome *and frequent* sex. This is also a wonderful side-effect of increased oxytocin. Researchers found that those who released more oxytocin tended to experience stronger orgasms and had decidedly more engaging sex lives. This means not only more sex, but better sex.

  •  Keeps the boys cooler and healthier. For men, sleeping naked cools down their testes. This is the ideal environment for keeping your sperm healthy. That’s why sleeping naked is related to higher fertility rates in men.
  •  Sleeping in a cooler environment allows your body to produce healthy fat that increases your metabolism. Studies says that,people who slept in a chilly room, produced more brown fat – a healthy fat stored in your neck which burns your calories in order to generate body heat. Sleeping naked might produce the same effects.
  •  It boosts your immune system. Getting uninterrupted sleep because you’re naked is also a great way to boost your immune system. We heal faster while we sleep, and we store enough energy to keep our healthy antibodies working.

  •  More sex. Sleeping naked all the time? That’s just asking to be woken up by your boyfriend’s stiffy or your girlfriend’s mouth. Kidding aside, couples are more likely to feel the urge to sleep together when they sleep naked next to each other. Oxytocin high, cortisol low. Nothing could go wrong.

  • How to start sleeping naked

Now that you’re slightly convinced to sleep in the buff *I know I am*, here are some guidelin

  1.  Change your sheets regularly. You’ll be sleeping in the nude, so all sorts of bacteria may feast on your skin. Your privates may be cleaner, but your skin sure as heck won’t be if you don’t change your sheets every week
  2. Invest in some curtains or blinds. Unless you’re into your neighbors seeing your bare ass, then skip it.
3. Lock your doors. Give your roommates or housemates a fair chance. You might be pretty comfy with getting naked in your room, but someone may come in when you least expect them to. Before you turn out the light, be sure to flip the lock.

4. Make sure there aren’t any bugs in your room. It hurts enough when a bug bites your limbs. Imagine if they get to the more sensitive parts of your body

5. Place your robe and shoes near your bed. Sleeping naked is okay, but make sure you’re ready for an emergency like a fire or an earthquake. You can’t exactly run outside wearing nothing, now, can you?

6. Place a bag of clothes near your bed. If possible, pack an emergency bag as well. It might be cold outside and a robe won’t do you any good in freezing weather conditions

7. Shower. Do this as often as you can, because sleeping naked may invite additional bacteria to dine on your body. Although it may seem like a significant downside, it can easily be remedied with clean sheets and a bar of soap.

8. Moisturize. If you’re planning on sleeping naked permanently, make sure you moisturize as well. Increase your sex appeal by having smooth and silky skin—as a bonus, moisturizing will also minimize chafing.

  • Now that you know how to effectively sleep in the buff, make sure you get the best out of it by bringing your “A” game: come clean, come prepared, and come ready to snore!
Source>love panky

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